Monday, January 25, 2016

Bandrek, Indonesian Comfort Beverages

I’m living in a country whose nature is fulfilled with beneficial resources. Here in Indonesia, the elders were used to cure their disease by drinking brewed herbs and their recipes are still used from generation to generation. It’s common in our families to have comfy hot spiced drinks contain ginger, curcuma, or turmeric to overcome minor diseases such as influenza or cold.
Bandrek ||

One of the classic comfort beverages is Bandrek. Bandrek is known as West Java origin, particularly on the highlands. Containing ginger, this beverage were created by the Sundanese (the West Java natives) to cope the cold weather or to prevent the seasonal sickness. In addition, some other spices such as star anise, chili pepper, or white peppercorns; are sometimes also putted in to give extra spicy taste. On its development, the liquid used for the main ingredients are also improving; from water to milk, tea, coffee, or even chocolate milk.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Semur Lidah Sapi (Indonesian Beef Tongue Stew with Sweet Soy Sauce)

The long period of Dutch colonialism was obviously affecting some aspects related to Indonesian culinary history. One of the Dutch-influenced foods is Semur, that is meat or chicken stew that has sweet, sour, savory taste.
Semur Lidah Sapi (Indonesian Beef Tongue Stew with Sweet Soy Sauce) ||

Friday, January 1, 2016

Martabak Manis (Indonesian Sweet Martabak), with Yeast

Welcome 2016! And here’s something sweet and buttery to start this year: Martabak Manis!

This thick pancake is one of the most devilish street foods you can find in Indonesia. It is so evil because it consists layers of carbohydrates and butter spreads along with whatever filling you crave; from sweet condensed milk, cheese, chocolate sprinkles, peanut butter, jam, sugar, to the trendy flavors such as Kitkat, Oreo, Nuttella, or Ovomaltine. And here’s to adding more sins: the Martabak stalls are usually open at night so we Indonesian usually eat it as night meal after dinner. Despite the health problem you could possibly get if you eat too much Martabak Manis, the rich, buttery, sweet taste, fluffy, gooey texture, good feeling if you munch Martabak is worth the guilty pleasure.
Martabak Manis (Indonesian Sweet Martabak) ||